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  • Mar 14 2024

BOT Model in software outsourcing and its application in business

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BOT Model in software outsourcing and its application in business




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bot model process

Today, technology consulting firms and service providers have faced the inevitable challenge. The partners cannot find trustworthy and adaptable outsourcing companies, while the consulting firms are not able to approach and provide persuadable solutions for partners. As a result, the BOT model (Build, Operate, Transfer) has become a priority to ensure efficient and reliable implementation in IT outsourcing. Thanks to the B.O.T. model, both service providers and partners can well manage work with high flexibility, low expenses and low risks. Simultaneously, it doesn’t take time for partners to integrate into the market with your own facility.

bot model

BOT process

ITC Group provides the long-term B.O.T model solution so as to facilitate your product roadmap delivery without outsourcing your software development. Then, development teams have been set up and well trained to adapt your working culture and integrate into your organization after being fully transferred.

There are three phrases in our B.O.T model:

1. Build

Initially, we prepare and handle all establishment details for your business in Vietnam based on your standards and business goals. At this phase, we also handle talent and employee recruitment to take into account all your unique business requests. At the same time, there is no need to be concerned about legislation and local procedures while we take full responsibility for this. This saves you time and effort on your market entry planning and productivity guarantee.

2. Operate

To ensure high quality in operating, our expert team proceeds with the plan to train and coach employees to make sure they can integrate your working culture, work individually and take ownership in their work so as to bring high value and productivity to your subsidiary when we transfer to you. Simultaneously, we are responsible for developing, managing, innovating and maintaining your business projects during the operating stage. We combine our IT experience with your business domain and passion to do the best for you.

3. Transfer

We transfer all assets of your subsidiary, including experienced employees so that they can satisfy all your criteria and requirements. We also support you as your partner during the post completion process to make sure you can manage your entire business smoothly, minimize issues, and take one step toward a new stage of accelerated growth.

Why consider our BOT Model?

Benefits by choosing our BOT model


With the contribution of the experienced teams with advanced technologies, the partners don’t have to spend time on self-learning and research while they can concentrate on developing ideas for their products and strategy in the long term. The talents and expertise of teams allow businesses to attract and retain more team members. Thanks to that, productivity is enhanced in turn. Develop, innovate and deliver products by experience to ensure quality and keep your business ahead with your competitor

Cost efficiency

Most enterprises would like to operate the business themselves to save costs as much as possible. However, there has always been an exception. To clarify, if you plan to build and operate a new one in a new market, it may cost you more than you expect. Instead, we have teams and experts who live and work in the market over time to deeply understand the culture, workforce, legal issues and so on. Therefore, spending money on the right team to take the right action and solution provides short-term and long-term cost savings.

Time Management

In the BOT model, ITC will be responsible for Build and Operate the business until it is ready to transfer to the partners. Hence, the partners don’t need to focus on how to start and run your business at the beginning. ITC will handle it and recruit the employees and talents that fit your business needs and culture.

Minimize Risk

The whole process of building a business in a new market is complicated. Even when you complete the preparation and launch your business, there is no doubt that the problems that are relevant to operation, HR, training, etc. are unavoidable. So that’s why we are here to help. Our expert teams are experienced in operating software development centers, managing legislative procedures and establishing infrastructure. Also, we have experience managing and minimizing the potential risks of running a software development center. Consequently, you can decline potential risks after taking ownership of it.

Protect your Intellectual Property

As you know, the BOT model can protect your intellectual property. Teams and Talents who are recruited will directly work for your business under contracts to protect the interests of both parties. Furthermore, all confidential information, materials and projects are partners’ property during the operation process. In other words, the transferring process in BOT keeps all data and information remaining in your business.

Talents and employees

When we recruit and train the teams to work for the business, we have to train them to adapt to partners’ requirements and partner working culture expectations. At the same time, those talents and experts who have been recruited will work for your business and partners are their employers. Let teams integrate with your company culture, vision and value to maximize their performance and ownership.

ITC’s BOT model generates a commitment to partners’ values, culture, goals, and vision. Simultaneously, our model can encourage the employees’ loyalty and attract more talent, while training programs and advanced technology experts keep your business ahead of your competitors whenever you are ready to take ownership of it. If you are planning for a Build-Operate-Transfer model, please get in touch with us to get IT consulting and better offers.