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  • Mar 14 2024

How Internet of Things (IoT) Drives Business Success

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A report published by McKinsey Global Institute highlights the immense economic potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). By 2025, it is estimated that IoT could contribute anywhere between $3.9 trillion to $11.1 trillion annually to the global economy. This impact will extend across diverse sectors including healthcare, manufacturing, and retail.

Now, you might be wondering how IoT will achieve such remarkable outcomes. Moreover, what are the existing implications of the Internet of Things on businesses? Brace yourself, as IoT has the power to revolutionize industries, boost revenue streams, redefine work practices, and even foster the emergence of novel business models. In this article, we will delve deeper into these aspects.

However, before we plunge into the details, let’s ensure we have a solid grasp of the meaning and essence of IoT. Get ready to explore and enjoy this enlightening read!

What IoT really is

Over the years, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been described and reimagined by numerous individuals and IoT enthusiasts, all attempting to capture the essence of how IoT devices connect and interact. In its simplest form, the IoT can be defined as a network of interconnected devices that gather and exchange data with one another and the broader system, facilitated through internet connectivity.

What IoT really is

Within this expansive network, we find an array of devices ranging from environmental sensors and fitness trackers to smart refrigerators and cameras. Collectively, these devices fall into the category known as sensors, which play a crucial role in the architecture of the IoT. However, there exists another vital type of device within the IoT ecosystem: actuators (or controllers). Actuators are responsible for translating incoming signals, often in the form of electricity, into physical actions. They can adjust temperatures, brew a cup of coffee in the morning, or even provide a gentle vibration after prolonged sitting.

A succinct equation captures the essence of the IoT phenomenon: Sensors + Actuators + Internet = the Internet of Things. While this equation may not encompass all facets of the IoT, it encapsulates its fundamental nature. What emerges from this equation is the realization that the number of sensors and actuators directly influences the overall impact of the Internet of Things. Put simply, the greater the number of intelligent devices within the system, the more benefits the IoT can bestow. Consider a single car in isolation; it lacks the capability for smart navigation. However, connect all vehicles on the road, and suddenly the system can dynamically route them, helping to avoid traffic congestion.

How IoT Has Affected Businesses

Enhancing Products and Devices through IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionizes the market by introducing smarter products and devices that cater to consumer needs more effectively than ever before. With IoT, companies can gather precise information about real-world device usage, enabling them to tailor their products to meet customer demands. This includes removing unnecessary features and improving existing ones based on user feedback. Technology giants like Microsoft and Apple track user behavior to develop and prioritize the most sought-after features, ensuring their products remain relevant and desirable.

Furthermore, IoT opens up opportunities for manufacturers to introduce innovative smart devices that add new value to everyday products. While some peculiar examples like smart forks or smart water bottles have not gained significant popularity, ubiquitous devices such as smart scales and robot vacuum cleaners have found their place in the market.

Remote Business Models

IoT has had a profound impact on businesses, particularly with the rise of remote work models. The shift toward remote work was already underway due to the industrial revolution, but the global Covid-19 pandemic accelerated its adoption. Today, the job market offers numerous remote work opportunities, allowing businesses to operate with more flexibility and efficiency.

Remote business model

Expanding Android-Based Devices

The Android operating system, known for its open-source nature, has fueled the growth of Android-based smart devices. Developers have the freedom to customize the source code to suit various gadgets, making it highly suitable for connected devices. As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, so does the number of Android-based devices. This trend reflects the versatility and adaptability of the Android ecosystem.

Simplified Automation Processes

IoT enables remote control of devices within an IoT system using tablets or smartphones. Users can alter configurations, change states, and receive notifications, alerts, and warnings from their smart devices. This two-way communication enhances user experience and provides seamless control over connected devices.

Furthermore, the convergence of IoT and robotics takes automation to the next level. Industries can leverage drones and IoT technology to automate various stages of the supply chain, from warehousing to retail shops. This integration streamlines processes and improves overall efficiency.

Streamlined Asset Tracking

Traditional product tracking methods relied on barcodes and scanners. However, IoT sensors such as Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) have revolutionized asset tracking. RFID smart labels contain all the necessary information about a product and can be read by detectors outside the line of sight, eliminating the need for human intervention. This provides greater flexibility and efficiency in tracking assets compared to traditional barcode systems.

Reduced Machine Downtime

Reduced Machine Downtime

IoT has led to the widespread adoption of preventive maintenance practices. IoT sensors constantly monitor the health of machine parts, notifying operators about asset health, utilization, and potential failures. This proactive approach allows businesses to take action before a breakdown occurs, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and improved downtime management. One notable advancement in predictive maintenance is the use of digital twins, virtual models of physical machines or equipment. These digital twins collect real-time data through sensors, allowing maintenance systems to simulate and identify performance issues and vulnerabilities, leading to invaluable benefits for high-value equipment.

Transformation of Business Models

The fourth industrial revolution, driven by interconnectivity, smart automation, and IoT trends, has triggered fundamental shifts in global production and supply chains. As a result, certain business models are undergoing significant transformations:

  1. Plastic credit card companies are witnessing a decline as consumers increasingly rely on smart gadgets like watches or smartphones for payments.
  2. The delivery and logistics industry is moving toward near-complete automation, challenging business models reliant on couriers.
  3. Warehouses are employing real-time inventory tracking systems and robot automation, reducing the need for manual labor.
  4. These examples represent only a fraction of the businesses affected by IoT, demonstrating its wide-ranging impact across various industries.

Energy Efficiency, Waste Reduction, and Increased Profits

IoT monitoring systems empower companies to reduce energy consumption by 5-15% annually. Insights derived from smart systems help identify and eliminate resource leaks while optimizing machine operations for greater efficiency. The impact on energy consumption is projected to result in substantial savings in electricity and fuel usage, further promoting sustainability efforts. Additionally, IoT-based solutions facilitate better waste management by monitoring and reducing waste generation, contributing to a more sustainable future.

The integration of IoT technologies, including machine downtime reduction, automation, and energy efficiency, significantly enhances business efficiency and productivity. Accurate data collected at different stages of the production process allows for identification of bottlenecks and optimization of throughput capacity. Together, these benefits drive increased profits for businesses.

Growing Demand for Skilled Workers

The rapid development of IoT and associated technologies has outpaced the adaptability of university programs and training initiatives. Consequently, there is a shortage of highly skilled specialists capable of building and maintaining IoT systems. The demand for skilled IoT professionals is expected to grow, creating a persistent skills gap that needs to be addressed through improved educational programs and professional training.

Growing Demand for Skilled Workers

Advancement of Cloud Technologies

The cloud serves as the final destination for information collected by IoT sensors. It provides the necessary computing power for storing, managing, and analyzing vast volumes of IoT data using machine learning algorithms. The increasing popularity of IoT and the need for advanced data analytics has propelled the development of cloud technologies. This accelerated progress ensures the scalability and efficiency of IoT solutions while driving innovations in cloud computing.
                      Google Cloud Platform

The Emergence of New Business Models

With the rapid growth of IoT trends, existing business models are undergoing significant changes, while new business models are emerging to capitalize on these advancements. Let’s explore some of the key areas where IoT is revolutionizing the way businesses operate.

Industry 4.0

The advent of Industry 4.0 has ushered in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This revolution is characterized by the seamless interconnectivity of high-tech devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), vast amounts of data, automation, machine learning, and advanced technologies. These advancements enable businesses to optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and drive innovation.

Wearable Technology Market

Wearable devices such as smartwatches, bracelets, and other IoT-connected accessories are replacing traditional devices. These smart devices not only offer additional functionalities like NFC payments but also provide valuable data to users, such as step counting and sleep tracking. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global wearable technology market is projected to reach $87.88 billion by 2026. This burgeoning market presents immense opportunities for businesses operating in the IoT space.

Self-Driving Cars Industry

The automotive industry has witnessed a paradigm shift with the rise of self-driving cars. Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced sensors capable of perceiving their environment and operating autonomously with minimal human intervention. As a result, the autonomous car market is projected to reach a staggering size of $196.97 billion by 2030. This disruptive technology is set to revolutionize transportation, leading to safer roads, increased efficiency, and improved mobility solutions.

Self-Driving Cars Industry

Smart Homes

Smart homes have become one of the most popular IoT technology implementations. By integrating various smart devices such as thermostats, refrigerators, light switches, and door locks into a unified system (typically a mobile application), homeowners can enjoy enhanced convenience, energy efficiency, and security. The seamless connectivity and automation offered by smart home technologies are reshaping the way we interact with our living spaces.


The healthcare industry has experienced significant transformation through the integration of IoT technologies. IoT sensors and systems have become invaluable health assistants, collecting biometric data and transmitting it to healthcare professionals in real-time. Drones are even being employed to transport organs between hospitals for emergency surgeries. The synergy between IoT and Big Data enables doctors to make more accurate diagnoses, leading to improved patient care and outcomes.

The Internet of Things Can Transform Your Business Too

Are you in the ecommerce, banking, financial service, or insurance industry? If so, embracing the power of IoT technology is a smart decision for your organization. However, to ensure the success of your IoT system, it’s crucial to partner with a reliable and experienced software provider like ITC Group.

We equip a talented team and experienced engineers to assist your organization in developing exceptional IoT applications. Our core value lies in dedicating our utmost efforts towards the success of your business. We strive to foster sustainable growth and ensure consistent success for both our clients and ourselves.

With a combination of innovative solutions, cutting-edge technologies, and insightful process consulting, our team is well-positioned to deliver unparalleled services and design outstanding applications that not only meet but exceed your organization’s requirements. We are committed to delivering within the defined time frame without compromising on quality.

By choosing ITC Group, you gain access to a wealth of expertise and a team that is driven by excellence. Our dedication to providing the best consultation and services ensures that your organization receives optimal solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today to embark on a journey of exceptional consultation and experience firsthand the level of excellence we bring to the table.